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House Number  8336 Type Villa
Name  Dream Utopia 201 Location  Hannam-dong
Size  70 pyung / 231 sq.m / 2,486 sq.ft
Asking Price  8,200,000 KRW/Month | $8,200 USD/Month
Add to My Picks Bed/Bath  4 / 2
House Number  8334 Type Villa
Name  Hyundai Palace Location  Bangbae-dong
Size  70 pyung / 231 sq.m / 2,486 sq.ft
Asking Price  7,200,000 KRW/Month | $7,200 USD/Month
Add to My Picks Bed/Bath  4 / 2
House Number  8333 Type Villa
Name  Hyatt Ville Location  Itaewon-dong
Size  43 pyung / 141.9 sq.m / 1,527 sq.ft
Asking Price  6,000,000 KRW/Month | $6,000 USD/Month
Add to My Picks Bed/Bath  3 / 2
House Number  8332 Type Villa
Name  The plus 3rd Location  Itaewon-dong
Size  60 pyung / 198 sq.m / 2,131 sq.ft
Asking Price  5,400,000 KRW/Month | $5,400 USD/Month
Add to My Picks Bed/Bath  3 / 2
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